Play our video to learn more about why we are the best company for your helical pile installation project. Fully insured, plenty of references!
Shore Systems Group, LLC is a leading helical pile contractor serving New Jersey, Pennsylvania and surround areas.
Helical piles, also known as helical piers, are deep foundation underpinning elements constructed using steel shafts with helical flights. The shafts are advanced to bearing depth by turning them into the soil while monitoring torque to calculate the pile capacity.
Helical piles installation does not excavate or create spoils that need to be removed, and loads can be immediately applied. You can install them in any weather condition, as well as in limited access areas.
Some common uses for helical piles iinstallation nclude:
When it comes to all-terrain challenges, efficiency matters. We assign an experienced Foreman to be on site for each of our projects.
Efficient solutions for your business
Commercial projects can be time sensitive but we know helical piles are great for commercial sites for so many reasons. Maybe too many to list! But here are a few to consider…
Year round installation capabilities means your project can keep going even in colder temperatures.
We have equipment and hand installation tools that allow us to install helical piles from inside or outside the structure.
Because helical piles are not hammered or vibrated there is minimal disturbance to the subject property and neighbors during installation. Experience tells us keeping neighbors happy is half the battle!
Helical piles can be installed fast when compared to other installation methods.
Helical piles as an alternative to wood piles
A new construction project for your home can be exciting – we’d be glad to help you every step of the way. Whatever your plan is, we’ll ensure that your new project has a solid foundation from the get go. Helical piles can ensure that your new project is long lasting and will minimize the chances of foundation issues in the future.
We'll work in tandem with you general home contractor and our engineers in order to determine the best deep foundation support solution.
Often when a client requests an estimate for deep foundation on their project we will see if they’ll allow us the opportunity to suggest alternative solutions in our wheelhouse more competitive and ultimately benefits the overall budget of the project.
We work with your GC and engineer
Helical piles are one of the most common structural piling methods for residential foundation repair and new construction. An engineer will opt for helical piles when the soil conditions are known to have settlement problems, an installer will know how far to turn the piers to reach the desired depth/capacity by monitoring the installation torque.
For foundation repair there are various benefits as well. Helical piles do not excavate, or create spoils that need to be removed, and loads can be immediately applied. You can install them in any weather condition, as well as in limited access areas.
Helical piles can provide permanent solutions to foundation settlement issues and can even lift the foundation back to its original position. Let us help you restore your property's value.
Helical piers to reinforce walls with tiebacks
We use CHANCE© Tieback Anchors to reinforce walls for additional stability.
In addition, you can use tieback anchors to prepare building sites. Tieback anchors are beneficial as they are a low committal option.
Your home is an investment we can help strengthen and secure.
Shore Systems Groups L.L.C. secures a consumer's greatest investment – their homes. We are a CHANCE© Certified Installer.
Suitable for Limited Access Area
Since our deep foundation support solutions are minimally invasive, they are also suitable for limited access areas. Helical piles also require less space on site for material storage.
LEED Certified
LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Being LEED certified means our projects are resource efficient.
No Spoils
Our environmentally friendly pile solutions leave no waste material after completion.
Underpin existing structures with helical piles
We'll work with you in order to strengthen the foundation of your building or structure.
Underpinning would be a valid option for many reasons:
Original foundation not strong enough.
Properties of the soil have changed.
Increase the depth or load capacity of existing foundations.
Stabilizing foundations that may have moved due to flood or other causes.
Was your foundation damaged in a storm?
A foundation repair can have many causes, but they should be addressed in a timely fashion to avoid your foundation from sinking. Normally, older homes and structures are more vulnerable to foundation issues.
Helical piles can be used to lift and support foundations from underground.
Using helical piles for house raising
If you’re in a flood zone, a house elevation can mean peace of mind come storm season. We use helical piles to raise homes, and if needed we can work with engineers in order to draft up a plan for the installation.
If you’re raising your home preemptively, or are seeking storm-damage rehabilitation we are happy to talk with you about your project.
So many uses for helical piles.
When time matters, helical piles are a great option for deep foundation elements.
New construction support
Environmental walkways and boardwalks
Elevator shaft foundations
Bridges and Bridge Abutments
Solar Panel Foundations and Mounts
Tieback Anchoring and Retaining Walls