Underground Oil Tank Removal: Toms River, NJ

Environmental excavation and subcontracting, with a focus on underground storage tank removal for commercial sites, is where our true roots lie, and quite frankly, it’s an area where our project managers and site foreman have a lot of experience. Our team has years of working together and it shows during the work we perform.

For this project spotlight, we teamed up with the easy-to-work-with environmental consulting professionals at BL Companies. The project location was next to the main highway in Toms River, New Jersey, and our arrival was in perfect sync with the morning rush hour. In our planning phases, we prepared for this work to be conducted while the commercial property and day-to-day business within it remained open.

 Shore Systems Group employees excavated and unearthed the top of the underground heating oil tank and followed proper protocols to remove any oil and sludge and prepare it for a controlled removal from below ground. From there, the environmental consulting professionals conducted their field notes and documentation in order to prepare their report to the NJDEP.

This underground tank removal went smooth and all parties involved were happy with the results. Please be sure to contact us for your oil tank removal and our project managers will be happy to provide an estimate for you.


Earth Retention & SOE: West Chester, Pennsylvania


Soil Nails for Retaining Wall: Weehawken, NJ